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Psychiatric Consultation

Our providers consist of two Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners, working under the direction of a collaborating Psychiatrist, who specialize in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment of and recovery from mental illness. 

The primary goal of psychiatry is the relief of mental distress and improvement of mental well-being. Medical research has led to treatments for a variety of mental health conditions that have a biological basis and can be positively affected by psychotropic medications. 

Trisha Bail (left) and Miranda Swiney (right)

Appointment Information

When to Schedule Psychiatric Appointments

If students have an established provider at home that is working well for them, they should continue with the home provider. If students are unable to continue with their home provider and need to switch to a psychiatric provider on campus, they should schedule an initial appointment with CPS to discuss their options. Students may be referred to CPS psychiatry, a Campus Care Physician, or local psychiatric providers depending on the nature of the student's presentation and available services. 

Scheduling Psychiatric Appointments

Students must first call and schedule an initial appointment with a counselor. During this appointment, the counselor will assess the student's needs and refer to CPS psychiatry, a Campus Care Physician, or local psychiatric providers depending on the nature of the student's presentation and available services. If referred to CPS psychiatry, the counselor will facilitate scheduling an appointment with the psychiatric provider. Depending on the demand, it may take four to six weeks to see one of the psychiatric providers. 

Learn More About Scheduling an Initial Appointment

Before Your First Psychiatry Appointment

If you are currently or recently treated by a psychiatric provider or taken psychiatric medications, please have your current provider send medical records to Counseling and Psychological Services by faxing them to 740.593.0091, Attention: Psychiatry. We also encourage you to complete a release of information form for your current/recent provider.

First Psychiatry Appointment (Intake Appointment)

The first appointment will be approximately 90 minutes in length. The psychiatric providers will take a complete history of presenting concerns and symptoms.

Assessment may include:

  • Review of mental health symptoms

  • Psychiatric history including previous treatments, hospitalizations, and medications (please bring a list)

  • Review of physical diagnosis and symptoms

  • Family psychiatric history

  • Substance use history

  • Social history  

Follow-up Psychiatry Appointments

After the initial evaluation, you and your psychiatric provider will develop a treatment plan, empowering you to participate in your mental well-being.

Treatment plans may include:

  • Laboratory testing or psychological testing

  • Discussion of medication recommendations

  • Scheduling follow-up appointments to monitor response to medication

As long as you remain on psychotropic medication, you will need to attend regular follow-up appointments. Initially, appointments may be every two to three weeks. As symptoms decrease, appointments may be scheduled at 90-day intervals.

You may only be seen by CPS psychiatric providers while enrolled as a student at Ohio University. Please keep your provider updated on your enrollment status and projected graduation/transfer date. Our team will work to establish continuity of care with a provider in your community upon leaving the university.

Telehealth Appointments

All intake appointments are conducted in person. Telehealth appointments via Zoom will be at the discretion of the psychiatric provider. You must be within the State of Ohio at the time of your appointment. 

Evaluation and Treatment of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a medical diagnosis that, when treated properly, can be controlled thus allowing students to achieve their academic potential. It shares symptoms with multiple other mental and physical diagnoses. Diagnostic clarity is the best way to ensure the most appropriate and efficacious treatment. With this in mind, Counseling and Psychological Services has developed a careful protocol for establishing the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. 

ADHD Support

CPS collaborates with the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) to support students with academic struggles or difficulties managing ADHD symptoms. Students can learn strategies for time management, find ways to help with organization, and form connections with one another.  

Visit the Academic Achievement Center

CPS does not provide ADHD testing. 

CPS provides counseling and information about other services and resources that may help with focus.  

In order to be prescribed ADHD medication (stimulant) through CPS Psychiatry, students must have undergone comprehensive ADHD testing by a qualified physician, psychologist, or mental health professional and be able to provide CPS with the testing report and other information.  

If students have not undergone comprehensive testing, we can provide students with off-campus referrals for testing or medication services.


CPS does not provide ADHD testing.

In order to be prescribed controlled substances for the treatment of ADHD, patients at CPS must receive a formal psychological or neuropsychological evaluation by a qualified physician, psychologist, or mental health professional. Patients are strongly advised to share the acceptable documentation requirements to ensure that the evaluation they receive will meet the standards required. CPS is not responsible for evaluations obtained in the community that do not meet the documentation requirements. 

If a student has been previously diagnosed with ADHD via formal evaluation, the patient must provide acceptable documentation of the diagnosis. Records must be released directly from the evaluator. Supporting documentation from a family member or primary care provider alone is insufficient. 

Documentation Requirements

Documentation must be in the form of an assessment record, treatment summary, and (neuro) psychological assessment report supporting the diagnosis. Documentation within the past 5 years is preferred. Progress notes alone are not sufficient. Evaluations that rely solely on self-report data are not sufficient.  

The diagnostic report should, where appropriate, include: 

  • History of onset of the diagnosis 
  • Objective and subjective methodologies used to determine the diagnosis. Including: intellectual functioning (IQ), memory, attention, executive functioning, processing speed and achievement (e.g. reading, writing, math) skills. 
  • Assessment of possible comorbid diagnoses including learning disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders 
  • Observer information documenting past and current symptoms in two or more settings 
  • Diagnostic statement 
  • If medications have been prescribed, a record of this must also be provided. 


If documentation is determined by the provider to be sufficient to support the diagnosis and ongoing treatment of ADHD: 

  • Patient and provider must sign the Controlled Medication Agreement before receiving any prescriptions. 
  • Patient must submit to a urine drug screen (results must be negative for substances) before receiving any prescriptions. 
  • Patient must agree to and comply with periodic urine drug screenings. 

Lost or stolen medications will not be replaced. No early refills will be provided.

If transitioning from another provider, medication will not be automatically continued without a full assessment by the CPS psychiatric provider treating the student.  

The prescribing of stimulant medication is always at the discretion of the psychiatric provider. 

Outside entities cannot compel any prescriber to prescribe. If a decision has been made not to prescribe at CPS based on current documentation, the student is free to seek outside consultation and care at their expense. A list of resources will be provided. 

Community Options for Psychotropic Evaluation and Medication

Please note that Ohio University Counseling and Psychological Services does not have a contractual relationship with any of these providers. We encourage you to contact your insurance company for additional options and covered providers. - These services are accessed through an app managed by United Healthcare Student Resources – the insurance offered to OHIO students. Free Counseling, Psychiatry and Primary Care via telehealth is available. - A multi-state telehealth provider (previously known as PsychBC) – User-friendly website allows for insurance verification and online scheduling. Appointments with Nurse Practitioners and/or Psychiatrists are possible within a week depending on insurance. If attempting to schedule online, enter a zip code of a larger city near you in order to obtain the most options for providers. - Multi-state telehealth provider with an office near Cleveland. They provide an array of mental health services, some of which are specifically offered to college students. - Based in Cincinnati but provides telehealth services to residents of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky.  Accepts most insurances. Students must complete a brief phone intake and will then be scheduled with a prescriber for psychotropic medication evaluation/management. - Columbus area Nurse Practitioner. The website provides info regarding insurance and allows for online scheduling. Appts avail within weeks. Accepts United Healthcare. No Schedule II medications (including stimulants). - Columbus provider. Accepts United HealthCare Student Resources. Scheduling with Psychiatrist or other prescribers 2-4 weeks. Clinician referrals accepted via the website form. – Offices in Athens (and other counties in Ohio); now accepting some insurances. Anthem, Med Mutual, others. Intake appointment necessary. - Athens (and other counties in SE Ohio). Intake appointment necessary. Intakes are scheduled on daily basis only. Call as soon as possible after 8:00 am to schedule intake that day.